a pleasant hello to everyone on steemit

My name is Alejandro Olalia Manapsal, my friends and in my community calls me Allan for short. I am a Filipino and born in San Fernando City, Pampanga, Philippines. I am a retired government employee. As of know i served one community with my loving wife. A catholic community named Couples for Christ. Mostly i stays home and surfing on internet. Sometimes i have some work on an online job manage by Upworks. I have 5 siblings 2 girls and 3 boys. Two of them were married. I have now two grandchildren, one boy which is two years old and one girl who is a two weeks old as of now. My hobbies are playing chess, playing billiards and most of the time playing online games. I am a member of our music ministry in our community. It is a great opportunity to sing praises with our Almighty Creator.

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This is my loving beautiful wife Cristina. This was taken last October 2018 taking breakfast with our co sisters and brothers in Couples for Christ.

Our city name San Fernando was taken from the name of King Ferdinand VI of Spain. It is well popular and known as the "Christmas Capital of the Philippines". Every year we have a Giant Lantern Festival held every December one week before Christmas. This giant lanterns are being displayed in the public and participated by many barangays of our city. Lots of tourist visits this event every year. I will post about giant lanterns in full details so you will learn more about it on how it is being made.

I am very thankful i was given a chance to be a member on steemit. I am novice here but i will do my best so i can contribute and can post helpful blogs.

More power to steemit and to all of you there guys.

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