Be Creative


The solution to life's most trivia problems lies in the simple concepts of life

I was in a leadership seminar and we were asked, "In which battle did Napoleon hill?, the room was thrown into pandemonium, alot of people trying to recall some literature they read sometime back. Then a young lady raised her hands and said " In his last battle". The speaker, to our utmost amazement said "That's correct".
Then i concluded, you don't need to follow a particular convention or a laid down principles to get a result, all you need is to believe in the whole of yourself and dare to do things differently. Stand out like that young lady and create solutions out of the problem.

Don't let the crowd intimidate you, don't let the rules limit you, don't let your fears deny you.

I'm DUXe....i'm a creative writer and it feels good to be here on this platform

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