February 26, 2018: Introspection

Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind, 6.2: "Above all, it is necessary for a person to have a true self estimate, for we commonly think we can do more than we really can."

We avoid thinking about estimate our self worth because we think we may downgrade ourselves, but more commonly we overestimate ourselves and therefore do not see our weaknesses. If you are to overcome obstacles and weakness, first you have to be honest with yourself with what you are below average in. Overtime, you will continue to improve your self awareness, and that is an important aspect you should have before going on to more complex themes in stoicism.

Just as you must be self aware of weakness, you will start identifying things that you are strong in. One of my friends has recently lost a loved one, and was put in the position of responsibility above what she thought she could handle, but in the end she came through on all aspects without all other family members even knowing what she did for the whole process (funeral, cremation, prayers, etc), that is commonly done in Hinduism.

Today, do not be scared of finding your true weakness, you don't even have to tell anyone, just think about at the basic level what aspects of yourself are weak, and then identify ways to improve yourself, just pick one for today, and as you grow stoicism in your common practice you will do it even without thinking.

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