
my name is Melissa, i'm 24 years old and live in the uk.
i've been on quite the journey in my life, i have bipolar which lead to me being hospitalized for 8 years. in that time i started to write poems and draw, what else was i to do?
i've now been out for two years and still love to write and draw.
i love philosophy and greek literture, my name means honey bee in geeek which is ironic because i use it in my drinks, i dont believe in refined sugar.i also support charities to keep bees alive as theyre on the decline
i lived in new zealand aged 8-12 and became facinated by insects and arachnids,leading me to want to be an entomologist,
im a scorpio, i can be secretive but on a platform like this im an open book
im pretty happy go lucky and a free spirit, love essential oils and diffusers and candles especially when i do yoga.
im a coffee addict, cant start my day without a coffee.
i'm an ex self harmer, i stopped two years ago when i met my fiance,
but i wear my stripes with pride.
i joined to meet like minded people, i will be mostly be writing poetry but i also enjoy photography and art, so hope some of you stick around to see my journey here

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