I am macondodiaz and I want to be part of this community

Hello, I recently registered in this wonderful community so I want to tell you who I am and what I do.
My name is Juan David Diaz; I was born in San Gil, a beautiful town in Colombia; I am 23 years old and I am a systems engineer.


a friend told me about this community and motivated me to sign up; I am very happy to be a part of you.
I want to tell you that I love to read and write; I am also part of an environmental community; we are currently struggling to prevent mining in the paramo of Santurbán.

[Image Link]: http://concienciaciudadana.org/realidad-y-conflictos-en-el-paramo-de-santurban/

Every day of my life I will defend nature, and all animals, and I will be sharing with you what I do day after day. I want to be of help to all of you.

Now I'll introduce you to the love of my life; she's Pelusa; She's 8 years old and she's a very loving puppy.


I am a very happy person and I wish I could be to your liking, this was my little presentation and we will see each other soon. I love you all very much.


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