Let's talk about me! I'm listening this time...

When my cousin, @inertia told me about #steemit I immediately jumped on board. You see, years ago when he told me about #bitcoin I was incredibly sick (I’ll blog about this soon) and couldn’t wrap my head around why it was something that I needed. He gifted me some bitcoin that I had no idea what to do with…and realized much later how important it was that I hold onto that “wallet”…yeah, I totally suck for not being on top of that one.   

Anyhow, I’m here. I am a believer in Jesus, wife of 20 years, homeschool mom to 4 kiddos, chronic Lyme Disease survivor (20 year battle), graphic designer, MAC lover, business owner & entrepreneur, essential oil educator, leader, inspirer and lover of food!   I am excited to bring my eclectic lifestyle into blog form here on Steemit!   

This is me, nice to meet you:  

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