Hello Steem!

image Holy Guacamole! I had nearly given up on being accepted into the steemiverse. It took 4 (or 5?) days to get my acceptance letter. I guess that gives me a fair amount of confidence that someone is working hard to keep the spam down!
After learning that blockchain was a word in the English language, I went on the typical 2 week info, binge digesting every thing that google could bring me. Through a bit of serendipity, and some good marketing, I got involved with the Dash community early on. The marketing was in part due to an article by @stellabelle called “How To Get Funded By A Decentralized Autonomous Organization”. The serindipitous parts came, as they often do, from Jungian meaningful coincidences. The details will have to be a grand and beautiful article for another day.
Since I’m a check to check sort of guy, with a few mouths to feed, I had to figure out how to start earning some coins. Dash seemed like a good place to start, but I’ve been selling groceries for 15 years instead of learning to make my computer bend to my logical will...Not a ton of funding for nice guys that want to help you find the best hummus value. I did find a job writing for a nonprofit that I believe in, and that got me thinking about where else I might earn some tips for using the more valuable parts of my brain.
The other important factor in my efforts to be a stemian come from the idea...no it’s actually a fact,(but I’ll not cite articles for the sake of brevity) that all those big social media platforms are selling my data to whoever might be interested in a middle aged, middle class, mister domestic life. Even while I waited, seemingly forever, to get my Steem account, I found myself telling anyone who’d listen about this social media group that allows you to own your own content.
This already seems a bit long for an intro, so I’ll close with a message of thanks to the community for being here, and a special thanks to anyone who takes the time to read a bit about me, or any ideas I share in the future.

Btw, please introduce yourself if you’ve taken enough time to read about me, or shoot me a link to your own intro ✌🏻

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