
Hello Jr here, I am a 31 years old Marine Corps. brat born in the Philippines and raised around the world at all my father's duty stations. I have the most full and utmost respect for the Corps. and any other branch of our Arms Forces. I am American-Filipino now living in the Philippines.

I spent most of my life in what I call "Life Boot Camp." Waking up at 0400, hitting the head for hygiene, making my rack (bed) and fixing my foot locker according to Marine Corps. standards, then standing at attention to await inspection from sir (dad). This procedure was taught to me at the age of 4. Not only was I raised by this procedure alone, I was also raised to address people as Sir or Ma'am.

I guess my father wanted to distill a Marine within me, so along with the training (upbringing), my father had me and my younger brother eat the way Marines do, dress like a Marine would (in civilian clothes), walk like a Marine (attention, parade rest, at ease, left & right face, about face), even PT like a Marine. Then it was hell, but now that I look at it, it was a great way to grow up.

Being raised this way also came with the punishments of a Marine in Boot Camp. My father was to always be referred to as Sir if he didn't hear it then push-ups. By the time I was 20 I was then able to call my father "Dad." It sounds messed up but I understand his ways now.

Disciplinary actions included side straddle hops (jumping jacks), pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, bear crawl, duck walk, leg lifts, 1K jog, and the obstacle course. There's more but I think it is understood. It sucked then but made me who I am today.

I base where I am from by the place that I have lived the longest, which is Las Vegas, Nevada. My interests include getting tattoos, drawing using only pencil, Self-Defence, Science, Movies (except romances), jokes, Playing Pool, and more. It's sort of a thought trying to think of them all.

Overall I am an open-minded person that has no filter between my mouth and brain, I think the truth is always best, it may hurt to hear but never hurts as long as a lie. Among my friends, I am known as a Joker.

I am really happy to be able to share my thoughts and hopefully have others read 'em.

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