Well, it's time to get the ball rolling...

I'm by no means new to the HIVE community... I usually engage with it (and also STEEM) as @StormkeeperGU, but this profile is being set up to allow me to discuss other topics not related to gaming, technology, and other geeky topics, although there will be some overlap with photography and cryptocurrencies (to name a couple of things), though I'll be trying to tackle them from a different angle. I'll primarily be putting up content on here related to my DiggerKrew (DK) projects, but occasionally there will be some Stormhaven Media (SM) related stuff, all from my personal perspective; the latter content doesn't justify separate accounts on HIVE, Ko-Fi, Twitter, or YouTube and although my blog on WordPress.com is combined, down the line, it will be split when I self-host blogs, although right now, only the DK stuff gets pushed to a Tumblr account, given that it is (like here) the more significant of the two sections that will be blogged about.

I'm still in the process of getting this account properly settled in, and have joined a lot of photography, crypto, travel, food/drink, and a few general communities, but the overall goal is to make sure I have mostly different content from my GU. This account has a far lower reputation than my GU account, so I'll have to work to build this one up to get close to it. This account will only be on the HIVE blockchain and perhaps Golos if it comes back, because I currently don't see the point in mirroring this account on the STEEM blockchain, so we'll see what happens over time. I will also note that I will not be attaching any game-related DApps on this account; that reserved exclusively for my GU accounts.

In any case, I hope over the next few weeks or months, I'll get into a decent routine with posting to here, but it may be a rocky start to begin with, but it's better to at least set up a pitch and worry about things later, rather than humming and hawing about when to get started; I hope to eventually make some sort of impact with both of my accounts on here, but that will take some time.

In any case, watch this space for any travel, food/drink or other content I think fits under the remit of this account!

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