>>> print("Hello, my name is Kevin!")

Hey, you there!!

Yes, you!! It’s nice to finally know you.

You may call me Kevin. I am a civil engineer, specializing in geotechnical engineering. What is that? It is a construction-related professional career but is focused on soil and the structures below. Anyway, I’m actually Indonesian but currently lives in Taiwan for professional purpose (read: corporate enslavement). It was initially planned to be a 2-year study for my Master’s degree, but thanks to the opportunity (and Covid), I have now been settled here on this tiny island for 4 years, and still keep counting.

This is a photo of me on one of the peaks of Hehuanshan Mountain (合歡山), Taiwan, 2020.

Why do I decide to turn into Hive and PeakD?

The expected answer: having a platform for sharing my ideas and life experiences.

The actual answer: raising funds for a 135mm “Plena” (if you know, you know, haha...)

A friend of mine @krios003 introduced this platform to me when we were having a holiday together in Palawan, Philippines. He did convince me to channel my hobby #photography into a platform where what I post will, not only be appreciated but also valued. Besides, I am also interested in the cryptocurrency world but have yet to test the water. I hope that this platform can serve a “two bird with one stone” for me. Else, I also hope this platform can re-spark my interest in photography.

{disclaimer, this is not a photo of my friend 😋 }
(Nikon Z6; Nikkor 50mm F1.4 AF-D; 1/200, F2.0 ISO 200)

Contents to share on my blog

Mainly things related to photography. I do have some ideas in mind, such as a travel journal and creating guides and tips related to photography techniques (fun fact: I wrote a beginner photography handbook for my high school extracurricular). I also plan to share what is in my mind during a photography project. For instance, I can explain the concept of my photo and how is set up during a weekly project on Macro Monday or other similar community, in which I do sometimes participate on my free weekend).


(Nikon Z6; 24-70S F4.0; 1/40, F4.0, ISO 1600)

Here is a photo of my hometown. It is not in Taiwan but is in Indonesia. It was during the Lunar New Year festival that I took this photo, thus a lot of lantern ornaments hung above and the street was filled with a sea of people.

(Nikon Z6; Nikkor 50mm F1.4 Reversed; 1/10, ISO 100)
This is one of my submissions in Macro Monday back in 2019 when I was still active. At that time, I couldn't afford a macro lens; hence, I learned some tricks to make up for my lack, and this is one of the results.

It is truly nice to meet you here. See you again in my future uploads! Cheers!!

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