The Prelude of A Lady Who Aims To Make Her Own Masterpiece

A gratifying HELLO from Cebu, Philippines!

Do you get the feeling of being the sheepish person in front of the class, during the first day of school? Somehow, I might be that person right now. I actually belong to the 40 percent of the world's population that are introverts. It's a challenging, yet special moment for me to share with everyone who I am, and what I do in my life.

I choose the HIVE platform to be that special someone, as I embark on a new journey with blogging. I at least want to leave a wonderful impression. Stay tuned as I unroll myself more here in HIVE.

Hello, brilliant and beautiful people! This is Rainebow0407. Just a quick confession, I wasn’t ready to face this formidable community, where there is a great number of excellent writers, yet somehow, it made me excited.

Nice to meet you! My name is Raine, 16 years old, and I’m residing with my mother. Maybe I can start off by describing myself.


Sophophilic. A suitable word that can fully describe me as a person. Before I explain the rationale, allow me to define the sophophilic. It is a term that is used towards a person who loves to seek knowledge with a prominence of wisdom. Now back to me. I love searching for questions for me to answer. Even at small things, I sincerely would like it to be learned not in a dense way, I want to dig deeper and use my mind to the highest potential. I believe it is the practice of learning that makes me fall in love with knowledge. My habits later on exposed me, that I am a sophophilic. When I was young, I was interested in reading books and studying during my free time. My older sister even finds me strange and annoying since I always get curious and ask for answers. On the other side, my father helps me in developing my answers into actions. I ended up growing up having this habit of yearning for knowledge.


My favorite author, Maya Angelou inspired me to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. Now that I think about it, I’ve been blessed to have a name that suits the rainbow. Now, call me by my nickname, Rainebow0407.

As a writer, I want to give hope during the rainy seasons of life and act like the rainbow. I ought to smile since I sincerely feel it makes things better. So I will keep sharing blogs that could bring a smile to people’s faces, and remember me as your Rainebow.

I’ve got to admit that I’m still young and somewhat naïve to certain points in life. There are things I still want to experience and there are so many differences I have to embrace. Why do I feel so lucky to share my journey and ideas in this community? Now that my battery has been fully charged, here are the things you can look forward to.



These are some of the simple dishes I make every morning. Can anyone suggest some food recipes? I feel like my siblings are getting bored with my recipes. 'Cause obviously, I prefer greeny foods.

First things first, I’m really into cooking, and that makes me love food, right? I’m an innovative kind of person inside the kitchen. In the household, I take the role of the cook. I deliberately assigned myself to this kind of task to have the chance to learn and do what I love, which is cooking. I’m pretty confident in putting a taste to the food and even doing garnish and plating after cooking. Through social media, I get to learn different recipes and gather information to make my own. It may not be like how Gordon Ramsay does it, but I’ll do my best to offer foods that are of good sight and of course edible! Especially now that I’m inside the HIVE, I want to enhance my cooking skills from a community that shares their thought about food and cooking.


They are real treasures since it was not easy to get these. I had to convince my grandparents and parents to get me my beloved instruments. Also, it was a little expensive. LOL.

Instruments are so far the best things in my life. The first instrument that was introduced to me was the piano. In grade school, I had to choose an art class and piano was decided for me. At first, it was hard and confusing, yet my piano teacher had her ways of motivating me. I’m so lucky to perform in a recital while playing my practiced piece with my teacher. It was fulfilling. Later on, I got curious about the guitar since it was famous. I had the determination to learn and so my mother bought me a guitar. Then just recently, I got curious about the ukulele.

I want to share the moments of me playing instruments, and surely I can teach some of the people. I’m still at the basics, but I’m confident at playing the things I love, just like the piano, ukulele, and guitar.

⛴Traveling with my family

2016 was the best year for me! We spent two days in Oslob, Cebu, and discovered five waterfalls within those days. How I wish I could time travel.

Foods are the best when it's eaten together with my family.

This was in the year 2017 when we spent our summer break in Bohol.

I am so bonded close to my family. There was no time I had to go all alone when it comes to traveling. Sometimes, we eat outside the house, maybe in some restaurants, or travel with them in some places. Joyous moments shall be cherished, at the same time, they can also be shared with everyone. The savory foods, gorgeous scenery, and the smiles with my family and friends. These are the things I want to share with the people in this community.


This is me trying to dress myself according to my style. What do you guys think?

When I was younger, I used to dress like a boy. I’m the type of kid who doesn’t care about what I wear. Somehow, things did change when I joined a modeling workshop. I learned how to put my hair nicely, I practiced the art of makeup when I get out, and I even learned how to dress according to my body shape. The older I get, the more sophisticated I get with myself in terms of fashion. I will offer some tips, styles, and recommendations. I’m just excited to share my fashion taste with the community.


I’m a teenager who loves to write about random things and combine both my mind and soul into it. I got serious about writing a composition during the 6th grade when I joined my school’s journalism team. Soon it hit me that writing makes me fall in love. Even small things, I write down in my journal. Currently, I have five journals in my possession. Year by year, I get to write my thoughts and feelings in my journals.

My writing skills at first were not a tool for prosperity and purpose, it was for personal use only. Not until when I entered the tenth grade, I got curious more about words and structure. Slowly, my mind keeps me wanting to learn more about the details and devices to make my writing skills better and more coherent.

Now that I found HIVE, I finally got a purpose for my writing skills. Maybe I want to explore more from different writers and yet be bound with wonderful knowledge. I can finally write for other people and engage with different personalities. I am yearning to inspire and give smiles to people, even through digital interactions, it will fulfill my heart’s content.


The people around me know how stubborn I am. I don’t give up on trying until I am on that platform where it says I reached my success. Since I believe in the saying that goes, “The sky’s the limit!” Hence, I don’t give up. Being able to enter this HIVE community is such an honor. At first, I don’t know what to do, but now I’m bounded with a certain goal. A goal that I was able to create when I heard about HIVE.

Now You’re A 10!

Pheww! That was a lot, right? If you made it to this part, then thank you. I appreciate it a lot that you gave me time on knowing myself. I am looking forward to this momentous part of my life. Let’s engage and be friends! I’m the kind of person who is willing to both show and give love to everyone, so how about asking me some questions and let’s get to know each other? Can’t wait to write for everyone. Sending lots of love to y’all!

I want to end on a good note by sincerely thanking the people who introduced me to HIVE. To my mentor @missjoycee, thank you so much. Also to the bubbly person who shared her sincere remarks and ideas @indayclara, and @ybanezkim26 for his brilliant guidance about HIVE, super duper thank you!

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