About Me (from this idiot with the crown to entrepreneurship)


I am Tom.
I was born on 3th January in Austria, exactly 20 years before BTC Genesis Block. The year should not be 1989 - it should be 20 BBTC (BeforeBTC) :-)

I had a bad childhood, i was the clever but fat kid every cool kids laughing at and my father drunk much alcohol since he lost his job and got often angry and hit my mum. After that i kicked him out of our home.
So i started drinking and taking drugs to forget about this shit, but that was not the best idea.
I quit programmers high school after 3 years (repeated 1 year just for fun) and started apprenticeship.
Since then my life was only about working, drinking with friends and having sex with older women.

OMG i cant believe i was that fat drunken idiot with the crown

At the age of 22 i woke up and realized that my life is bullshit.
I started to live different, healthier and reduced the alcohol consumation.
With the new energy i started a second job as salesman, selling telecommunication hardware and contracts.
I earned some money with that and it was very funny at the beginning.

But like every other job in the 21st century it changed into a modern slavery - if you dont fullfill the quote - you wont earn any money and the quote will get higher every year.
Beside this i started Network Marketing and learned from one of the best guys.

Eric Worre

So i quit the job as a salesman and started in Network Marketing and earned exactly nothing - because i had more expenses than income and i really wanted to get my drunken friends and my family into this business - I failed multiple times trying it

In my main job i changed from maintenance to mining and one year after that i heard the first time in my life (2 and a half years ago) from cryptocurrency.
It sounds very interesting so i asked my mum for 4000$ (that was most of her lifetime savings at that moment and i was broke) and bought about 19 BTC with that.

The real big mistake was i put them all into Mining Pools at BCN. I had no idea at that moment how mining works and just got greedy from the promises my upline made to me like "you will get 5 times more BTC out of the mining in 3 years"
Now its 2 years and 3 months and i got out about 4 BTC from 19 BTC i invested.

So i took me 3 months to realize thats not the big deal and i started studying cryptocurrency, made mistakes again, lost money in trading and continued studying and practice this things every day for 6 - 8 hours beside my job since 2 years.

I stopped drinking in January and started to make some workshops for other people to help them get into cryptocurrency.
Since this moment i am really on fire and i made more than 120 000 $ out of 3000 $ at the beginning of this year.

Last Friday i quit my job, now i have to stay another 8 weeks and then i start spreading out to the world my knowlege and give courses in cryptocurrency, wallets, trading and Mining (yes i found a contract where you get more coins out that you put in in 2 years)

WhatsApp Image 2017-05-20 at 16.16.43 (4).jpeg

That was my first big stage event in front of 200 people, teaching the benefits of cryptocurrency against banking system
At that moment i found my passion in teaching cryptocurrency

I love my life
Tom Elias

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