Discovering Me: Unveiling the Depths of Self

Hello! I am Patriz, 24 years old. I was born in a highland retreat in the Grand Cordillera in Northern Luzon, Baguio City. I graduated from the University of the Cordilleras in 2021, earning a bachelor's degree in Accountancy.


I am the eldest of two siblings. My father's name is "Jerry". He is my role model for many reasons. First, I admire his passion for work. Second, he is a simple man who does not like expensive things and lives an easy and peaceful life. In addition, my father is my friend. I can discuss everything with my father, even those I dare not to utter in front of my mother. I know he will keep it a secret and give me the necessary advice. He's the one whom I can depend upon unquestioningly. My mother's name is "Mary Ann." She prioritizes us over anything, and her life revolves around our well-being, growth, development, and welfare. She does everything selflessly for us and without any condition, so her love for us is unconditional. The best part about my mother is that even though I have grown older, work, and don't usually stay in the house, she knows and understands my needs without speaking.

Academic Background:
Throughout my academic life, my goal has always been to perform to the best of my ability. I did this not only for myself but also for my family. Through my grades and persistence, I have proven that academic excellence is a pivotal part of my education. With it, I was able to attain different literary awards and was able to join an international-level contest. I have achieved outstanding academic achievement because of my desire for success. From junior high to senior high school, I have developed and enhanced my skills to learn more effectively and be competitive, whether inside or outside the school. When I was in college, I realized that its dynamics were far from what I had experienced during my high school days, which required me to adapt to the higher level of thinking expected of me. I sought out new study methods to actively understand classroom material. I realized memorizing the material for a test would not benefit me because my degree requires more analysis.

Career Background:
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." (Confucius). Everyone dreams of having a luxurious lifestyle full of comfort, but for us to be able to enjoy this lifestyle, we must be able to choose a promising career. Currently, I am working as an Accountant at a construction firm in Tuba, Benguet, while taking up my Juris Doctor degree. My career experience has been such a big part of my life. I had a full-time job placement in the company, which was a fantastic opportunity to get valuable experience. It allowed me to discover and appreciate the beauty of the working world. In addition, I could use the abilities I gain from the job placement as practical tools to complete my everyday errands. Also, I enhanced my communication skills, self-confidence, ability to meet deadlines, perseverance, and teamwork. Moreover, I discovered that completing tasks requires prioritizing and cutting down on faffing.
Also, my professional experience has given me the perseverance and willpower to succeed. Effective communication, teamwork, perseverance, self-confidence, and time management are critical components of everyday interactions. They offer guidance in accomplishing the organization's goals, and I am confident I can support my future professional endeavors.

Passions and Pursuits: A Glimpse of My Hobbies
Hobbies are considered activities that help us escape the grind of life and work through enjoyment and peace. Also, It fosters an appreciation for work rather than diverting us from it because we're not required to complete the tasks we do not enjoy. I prefer to engage in activities such as traveling and cooking in my free time.

First of all, I like traveling because I can learn a lot. People who live in one location and work in the same area all the time become accustomed to their surroundings and way of life, but you can refute this notion when traveling because this allows a person to witness other people's lives and ways of living which helps one to start understanding their philosophy. As a result, the man's perspective on the world broadens, leading to a deeper spiritual understanding.
Second, the journey to assist in assessing their forces serves as a test for people. For instance, it is well known that a traveling man faces domestic issues that are difficult to understand; however, we can receive valuable experience to help us become more intelligent and skillful.
Third, I always feel that my life is worthwhile after traveling. The more places I travel, the more fulfilled and alive I am. However, this is more of my personal and subjective view of life.


*My passion and interest are cooking. I've always enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen to make delectable and filling meals using various ingredients and methods. In addition, it gives me a fantastic sense of satisfaction and enjoyment and is therapeutic and soothing for me.
My passion for cooking stems from the fact that it's a creative outlet that lets me play around with flavors and textures. I like experimenting with new recipes and making up my own. I also enjoy exploring new culinary traditions and learning about the diverse ingredients and cooking methods.
Also, another excellent way I connect with my family and friends is through cooking. I enjoy having my family around for dinner and sharing my culinary delights. I feel happy and fulfilled when I cook for them because it's a way to express my love and gratitude for the people in my life.


To @suteru, I want to express my gratitude for introducing Hive, where I can freely express my thoughts and for bringing me to an environment where I can nurture my growth in multifaceted ways.

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