Young Moms

What is the essence of being a woman? Well, we sure have different answers to that. All of which has a point. But as for me, the real essence of being a woman is becoming a mother. At a young age of 23, i became a mom. And i am proud of it.

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She was a Christmas baby and she was the best thing that ever happened to me. My pregnancy was planned. We both asked for it. But cliche as it may sound, it's true that you can never use your child to make a relationship work. Yes, with all honesty, i am a single mom, and i have never felt any stronger than i am now.


I salute all young moms like me. Not all may have planned to bear a child at an early age, but the good thing is, they have chosen to face the consequences of their actions. They embraced motherhood, and gathered all the strength that they need to take on such huge responsibility.


The rumor is right. It's not easy. From having few hours of sleep everyday, to doing all the chores at home, while your eyes are on your offspring, making sure he/she is okay. There is no day off and there will never be a timeout. It is also in motherhood where you'll know the real value of money. You'll learn to set priorities and separate the wants from the needs. Milk over makeup. Diaper over your outfit of the day. Your baby's clothes and vitamins over a designer bag.

As to my experience, it's way harder. Being the youngest and the only girl in the family is quite a disadvantage to me. And the fact that no one is there to guide me since my mom passed away, days before i knew i was pregnant. I have to figure out myself how to bathe a baby, how to change the diaper and even how to feed her. I was like a headless chicken back then. I was on the verge of giving up, but look at me now. I'm a proud mom of a 2-year old adorable mini me.


Yes, it's not easy, but it's totally worth it. You would never know how a smile of a child can be so magical until you become a parent.

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