Electronic Musician Introduction

I will be producing and sharing music that I make as well as creating sample packs and other music pieces for people to use.

I would like to introduce myself by telling my musical journey as this will be a good background to why I make the music I make.

I started on a journey with creating music after being bought a guitar when I was 14. I started off taking a few lessons at school, but quickly learnt that wasn't the way for me to enjoy playing guitar or making music. I stopped having lessons and started to just play around with the guitar and work out what sounds good. I also learned a few cover songs but also didn't find this process particularly interesting. My first foray into FX was with an old ZOOM pedal that my dad had. Hours spent exploring different parameters and what worked well with certain melodies and FX combined.

The next chapter was when I joined a band in my senior years at school. We played together pretty much every evening we could and started creating quite a few songs. We had a shared ethos of never doing any covers and would only improvise and create our own improvised material. I wrote all the guitar and bass melodies for the band and once we had around 10 songs ready we recorded an album. This was my first foray into mixing and producing, but at the time it was all way too complex. Luckily one of the band member's father had a lot of recording experience and helped set us up. Unfortunately after school all members of the band went to separate ends of the country and it was too difficult to meet up regularly.

After that my next musical journey came being introduced to electronic music whilst at university in Liverpool. This lead me to appreciating DJ culture and I invested in all the gear required to start DJing; turntables, speaker, mixer. I took the time to learn to DJ with vinyl and at the time focussed on drum and bass and enjoyed playing at various student house parties. Soon I wanted to get into the world of producing electronic music and had a few introductions from some DJ friends of mine. I started experimenting using Propellerhead's Reason software and found that the instruments included with the software were amazingly powerful. It was during this experimenting phase with Reason's instruments that I learnt how to sound design and manipulate and modulate synthesisers.

I had a break from producing and DJing for about 3 or 4 years as I worked on developing my personal career. During this time my taste in electronic music broadened and switched to other styles like house, techno and disco music. I started learning Ableton to try and produce some house music and found it was a very different experience to Reason, but was particularly good working with samples and loops. Most of the tracks I made during my early days exploring Ableton were made from different loops and working with the Audio Effects in Ableton. Learning the workflow of Ableton made me realise how powerful it was and that there was potential for live performance due to the clip/loop nature of the setup.

More recently in early 2018 I purchased my first piece of hardware for producing, an MPC Touch. This has been a big step towards being more productive musically. Using the hardware also generated my interest in performing live electronic music shows and I'm still developing my setup so that I can work on this further. I have a range of different synthesisers that I use when producing and a couple of FX processors that help with generating a range of sounds when performing.

I will be sharing the music that I produce as well as creating synthesiser loops for people to use in their productions. I'm lucky enough to have a few synthesisers that create amazing sounds that will add something a bit different to the loop packs available commercially. I would be keen to take production requests and work on remixes if people require that service

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