All About Me

I'm Peter friends of mine used to call me pets but for you all call me what ever your comfortable actually loved to meet new people that always welcome me to their wall and never be plastic to each others that what i need a person never betrayed his own friend.

By the way let me tell you i'm not to much good in english grammar but i really want to share with all of you there about informations about things learned and see in internet or in my neighbour happens that can be educate all of you and can be given to great lesson to all.

Those not known filipino loves english to share with their friends about their friends how can be they educated in school because in philipines if you are type of person where known much in english language and good talk for it you will be see to others as a different kind of type person.

Telling you about philipines because that was where i lived now i'm 100% pure filipino in philipines a lot of people where they so much poor in living but rich minded what i mean is they wear a nice clothes and necklace or braces in their body but in truth they are poor and their family is struggle to get food every single day.

Family is my better to others this was i say because mom always cared me and also my brother i know caring to their sons is normal thing but mom never scolded me and put a pain to us sometimes i look to her she so much shy and lovely girl.

In last 2019 my family have a business where we sell ice cream yes! you read it right we are making ice cream using traditional way can't explain the details because it was a secret many of people in my area try our ice cream making but they all fails in times of tasting they not get the exact taste like our ice cream.

But this 2020-2021 we stop making ice cream because of this pandemic mom started to have sick her throat have swelling so much worry and a lot of people don't like to buy because they think mom got sickness because of this covid-19 our family financial start to decreased because people start to avoid to buy ice cream.

Now 2021 mom starting to okay her throat from swelling but she need more medicine to fully healed it and for us now she insist to work in my auntie store to earn little income per day always thankful to God he never left us in times we suffered to much.

Dad start to work as maintenance in factory of soap to earn some he was 62 years old now and still strong so envy to him for his hard work even thou his old now brother is start to work in small-mall as packager to help mom and dad and he's 23 years old now due to past happened of being addicted on drugs he not graduated in her school and thanks now he change learn to heal his life.

I really big thanks to all of you here and admin thanks i could share my life happening even it's bad or good i can freely tell what am feel now because this platform no one know me very shy to share it on facebook a lot of my freinds don't very well understand what i really feel so bad to see some of them comment bad feedbacks thats why not really like in facebook.

@lovesniper @fionasfavourites Thank you for warm welcome me to this platform very loved to stay here.



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