My First Post

What better way to start my HIVE journey than to share one of my favorite quotes.

About me:
I am a father to 4 great kids. A husband to a fantastic (and patient) woman. I work hard and long hours, but I like to play as well.

I love to read. I am one of those people who read 3-5 books concurrently.

Right now, I am reading

  • For A New Liberty, by Murray Rothbard
  • Enough Already, by Scott Horton
  • The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, by Tom Woods.
  • What Has Government Done to Our Money, by Murray Rothbard (I'm nearly finished)

I am a silver stacker. Ask me about it.

I am a Libertarian/AnCap.

I believe in your right to your body, your labor, and the fruits of your labor - your property. No one has the right to take that from you, even if they wear a costume and call themselves a government.

Taxation is armed robbery.

I believe in the fundamental goodness of mankind.


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