Page Intro

Greetings all, My name is Deante'. I am currently a student at the University of Akron studying Public Relations and International politics. While in college i've had wonderful opportunities to connect and network with A lot of brilliant people. I have never had the chance to travel outside of the country.

After I graduate this December I plan on embarking on many travels to various countries. I am partially fluent in Spanish, so I will travel to countries where I came exercise my communication abilities along with immerse myself in various cultures. I am excited to join steemit.

This page will cover a cast variety of topics. Some of the main topics will be domestic and international politics, national news, sports, music ( various genres), graphic design, business, and travel.
I will deliver my personal viewpoints along with reported facts on the above topics to open healthy dialogue. I would like to challenge and change the thinking of people, get them to think outside of the social norm.
A lot of the topics will have my personal opinions and I apologize in advance if anyone is offended
I believe if you change peoples thinking , they will change the world.

Currently I am working on creating a clothing brand, I will post so samples of some of my designs and would always appreciate feedback.

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