Hello! I Established Butterfly/Pollinator Gardens!


I created this account to post uplifting current things in my life and my "good memories" of the past!
Mostly I have been posting my Actifit reports here and now I want to make a habit of posting daily!
First a little about myself. My name is Margie I came to Hive via Steemit, along with my son @d-pend or Daniel as most people know him. We have both been on Hive since it's creation!

We both posted regularly and I have been only posting to Hive since it was created.

My account is still sitting over there at Steemit, but I don't use it any longer because my son and I don't like what happened to it.

Anyway, moving on. I am a wife, mother, great aunt of many nieces and nephews, math major, math and reading tutor, substitute teacher, marketing newbie(trained over the last 2 years!) and nature lover!

Specifically, I have been concentrating on attracting butterflies to my yard for the last 12 year and guess what? It has worked. So fast forward to 2022 and I am currently recorded a video course to teach people how to bring butterflies to your yard and/or patio of your apartment.

Who doesn't like seeing a butterfly gracefully flying around flowers or as the case may be quickly skipping from flower to flower to sup on the nectar?

In the process of attracting butterflies of my yard, I have seen many bees and other pollinators. My journey continues this year as I plant many more different kinds of nectar plants for butterflies and pollinators and host plants for butterflies where they can lay their eggs!

I hope you will follow me and enjoy all I intend to share with butterfly/pollinator gardening and any other good memories I have from my life that I have live thus far!

All of the following photos are from my yards - my butterfly/pollinator gardens. I'm proud to have an amazing ecosytem outside my doors of my home!







Have a Blessed Day!

April 26, 2023
All original photos!

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