Hello! From 0 to gamedev

My name is Marcin, I’m starting this blog to document my progress in learning programming.

I wanted to start programming a few years ago, I even bought a few books and 2D engine (the Gamemaker program) but of course nothing came out of it.
Now I have more free time that I want to use to study.


What is the purpose of this?
I'm interested in writing games, maybe some small GUI applications.
I'm not interested in developing myself as a professional (it's too late for that), I just want to write a game and upload to Steam. Maybe start small indie studio.

At the moment I'm starting with almost zero knowledge, well I can tell the difference between a function and a motorbike (but not betwen class and a garage) and I know that Godot is too difficult ;) So I chose Python, Raylib, and Gamemaker Studio 2 to start my adventure. I've read one Python book in the last few days (Learn Python 3 the Hard Way, I don't recommend, you better buy a Christmas tree... in May), I've gone through a few courses (I know I can do anything but I don't know how), I've written a few simple functions (half of them even work), and I have no idea if what I want to do is possible for me or not.


So I'm starting my adventure, from zero to indie game developer wish me luck, I'm going to need it....

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