Hey you, pass the Dutchie!

This is my first time around, so obviously I would like to introduce myself. Just because it is polite and for you to consider if I am worth your precious time. Okay, let’s go!

My name is Jessie and I am a girl from the country of red light districts, potheads and cheesy cheeses, or for short: the Netherlands. I will probably disappoint you in a later post by telling you that this misconception just limits itself to our lovely capital Amsterdam. I don’t want to be a party killer already!

So Amsterdam is just a 30 minutes’ drive away from my small but very cozy apartment located in the city Utrecht. I call myself a very lucky girl for living in this great city together with my pretty annoying but lovely boyfriend Paul and our furry roommate Timo (who is a cat, not a hairy man).

I think it’s more than fair to tell you why I am going to write here all these nonsense. Well, since I am in my mid-twenties, I am suffering from this very cliché quarter life crisis and I am searching for a way to handle this self-determined diagnosis. Probably you are wondering now if this writing chick is mad. O, I know and I will confess: first world problem. And it’s awful, shameful and mostly for you - as a reader of my posts - very annoying but hopefully a little funny too, because I would love to see your silly smile or hear your devilish laughter.


Let’s quite the shit and tell you in short what’s more to know about me. I will keep it short and simple. Here it comes:

  1. I am an introverted weirdo. For me it means that I like books more than most people;

  2. I am a huge animal lover and I graduated studying them a year ago. I am dying to make the world a better place for them, because most of us are huge assholes to animals. As a little kid I decided to make it my life goal to step up for the most vulnerable creatures on our planet;

  3. I prefer writing over speaking. Unfortunately most people talk shit and when they write I don’t have to listen to their scratching and creaking voices. Besides I have a very silly accent when I talk English and do not have a Beyonce voice myself, so you can consider yourself very lucky too;

  4. I work in a very uninspiring environment and I tried to escape that dull office many times, but – surprise, surprise – I found myself sitting behind the same desk every Monday again. This sounds very sad, but I can assure you I am determined to escape. I might have a genius plan;

  5. I am one of those people who love to travel. Who doesn’t?;

  6. I have a lovely family; I have lovely friends; I have lovely vague connections, who all love me for my socially lazy and awkward self. And that’s the reason I am going to bed with a smile on my face every night.

What do you think: enough I’s in this blog? Do you have a clear vision about this Dutchie? I think I am capable of keeping surprising you :) So if you came to the conclusion that you maybe would like to read more of my scribbles, just follow me and we will meet again.



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