Introduction To Andrew Hall

This may very well be my first public short auto biography...

 I am 23 years young and an entrepreneur that is curently crushing the crypto and forex trading markets. 

I recently moved to South Florida, from a small town called Cave Spring just outside of Rome Georgia. I grew up there on a ranch style home with many different animals. I was raised by a southern gentleman blue collar mechanic whose goal was to raise someone he could be proud of and who would make a positive impact on this world. Well lets just say that so far I haven't disappointed him.

My passion is to improve our society as a whole, I'm currently doing to by networking and helping others create more time freedom for themselves by trading money for money instead of time for money. Tho on a much larger scale I believe that Blockchain will eventually free us all and give the people back control and power over there lives. I hope to contribute to that as much as possible.

Whether we are where we want to be materialistically or not, it is ultimately our choice to be happy, to be peaceful and to care for one another.

 If we want a more peaceful world, work on being more peaceful. 

We all want to change the world, lets start with oneself.

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