Shoes and a Cello (1)

I have been travelling everywhere since I was a kid. Not because my family has money to spend, but mostly because we don't.

I was part of a government programme Jewels of Malaysia unders Jewels of Performing Arts in Music, or as some Malaysians would know, Permata Seni Muzik. It was a programme where we nurtured our talents, gained achievements and made friends. To be honest, it was the only thing that the previous Malaysian government had did right.

My friends and I went everywhere and performed for lots of important people for cultural exchange or just to impress some VIPs to seal whatever deal they had, but that aside, my friends and I had many opportunities to see things we have never seen before.

And it is why I would call this series Shoes and a Cello, for it was the only reason why I could open my world and see beyond what normal children could see.

I hope many people will enjoy these short stories of mine. Have a good day! 

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