. I want to introduce myself. My name is ASRIANNA. often in greeting ASRI. I am from NORTH Aceh. I was born in Cunda, in November 1997. I live in a residential PT.BUNGA KOMPLEK GENALI PERMATA INDAH KEC. LHOKSUMAWE. I studied at Malikussaleh University in 2016. I am now a scooter mechanic. I prefer to travel that challenges adrenaline in the wild. and I am active in an organization namely Unit Lovers Mahasisswa Nature Lovers Malikussaleh University UKM-PA "UMPAL"


. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya ASRIANNA. sering di sapa ASRI. Saya berasal dari Aceh UTARA. Saya lahir di Cunda, pada bulan November 1997. Saya tinggal di perumahan PT.BUNGA KOMPLEK GENALI PERMATA INDAH KEC. LHOKSUMAWE. Saya belajar di Universitas Malikussaleh pada tahun 2016. Saya sekarang adalah seorang mekanik skuter. Saya lebih suka melakukan perjalanan yang menantang adrenalin di alam bebas. dan saya aktif di sebuah organisasi yaitu Unit Kegiatan Mahasisswa Pecinta Alam Universitas Malikussaleh UKM-PA "UMPAL"

I started my career in the outdoors adventure in 2015. I have been General Chairman from 2017 to 2018. The experience that I have achieved in the natural world, I have done the opening path (XPDC) in Mount MT KLENTEN in 2015, Mount Sulamat Agam Banda ACEH in 2016, Mount Tiga M Jantho in 2017, Mount Glee Kapai Bener Meriah in 2018 and lastly I opened the path on the mystical mountain of Mount Greudong Pase in Bener Meriah in 2018.

I started my adventure career in 2015. I served as Chairman in the period 2017 to 2018. Experience I've ever achieved in the world of nature lovers, I've done the opening of the road (XPDC) in Mount Glee Goh Leumo Bireun in 2016, Agam Banda ACEH in 2016, Triple M Jantho Mountain in 2017, Mount Glee Kapai Bener Meriah in 2017 and finally I opened the road on the mystical mountain of Mount Greudong Pase in Bener Meriah in 2018.
I really like things that are challenging. and my hobbies are a leisurely stroll with the kicking of a bike my parents have. I became interested in bicycles in 2008, at that time I was still in grade 3 MTsN. for me the bike is sexy. Why did it happen? because his body was looh the waw and did not have his voice was like a soft guitar sound in quotation. TritingggTiiiiiingTooongng. such as his voice metabolism. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I have a bicycle community as well as other friends. and my Club name is Sesper Tunggal Campus. many people ask me. why single? I answered because it's cool myself. and I often tour myself. because I always invite friends to touring they always reasoned busy college and busy with their respective girlfriends. so you make SINGLE. I want a reason why I make my own. hahahahahaha

Saya sangat menyukai hal-hal yang menantang. dan hobi saya adalah bejalan-jalan santai dengan menguunaka sepeda orang tua yang saya miliki. saya mulai tertarik sepeda pada tahun 2008, pada saat itu saya masih kelas 3 MTsN. bagi saya sepeda itu seksi. kenapa seperti itu? karena tubuh nya itu looh yang waw dan tidak punya suaranya itu bagaikan suara gitar yang di petik dengan lembut. TritingggTiiiiiingTooongng. seperti metabolisme suaranya. HAHAHAHAHAHA. saya memiliki komunitas sepeda juga seperti kawan kawan lainya. dan nama Klub saya yaitu sesper Tunggal Kampus. banyak orang bertanya kepada saya. kenapa tunggal? saya jawab karena sendiri itu asik. dan saya sering tur sendiri. soalnya selalu saya mengajak kawan kawan untuk touring mereka selalu beralasan sibuk kuliah dan sibuk dengan pacarnya masing-masing. makanya Anda membuat TUNGGAL. saya ingin alasan mengapa saya membuat sendiri. hahahahahaha


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