Who Am I?? I'll be damned if I know! and I'm okay with that :)

I could start out describing myself, in point form, which will immediately put me into certain categories in your mind but, I'd prefer to start with where I come from and what brought me to Steemit...

I live on a smallholding in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, with my mother, my four year old son and my 20 year old brother. We have so many animals that is almost tedious to list them all and there is never a moment where there isn't some sort of family drama. But I need to stick to introducing myself and describing them will be distracting to say the least!

Why Firemom? When my son was 9 months old I had an accident with a gas camping lantern that resulted in me sustaining third degree burns to 40% of my body. 3 operations, 875 staples, synthetic skin grafts and a lot of prayer later and I made a miraculous recovery. I'm talking best case scenario of one of the worst accidents you can have. If I didn't tell you about it you would never know, I have hardly any scarring, a bucket load of gratitude and a very great respect for life in general. Since I survived being a human torch I thought why not firemom?

I am 27 years old and a single mother, as I am sure you gathered from the fact that I live with my mom.... I have a wild little boy with allergies to most major food groups. I have gone from not being able to do much more than put 2 minute noodles in the microwave to being able to make cakes, quiches, pancakes, biscuits, ANYTHING, dairy, wheat and sugar free. I have spent many nights crying while my child sleeps, many nights with no sleep at all but I would never want to face a single moment without him by my side. He is the only reason I have faced all of my challenges so far head on, and he is the reason I know I will have the strength to do anything as long as he is looking to me as an example.

I have qualifications that I may never use again and experience in positions that I don't have qualifications to do!! I will try, and master, almost anything that I can do with my hands. I love gardening, I have no idea how to garden. But I plant and unbelievably everything just grows. I like to believe it is my enthusiasm but it's more likely the wonderful compost we have accidentally made by throwing our horse poo down the bank of our arena. I love teaching children, especially babies, however I have to admit it is more about nurturing and caring for them than teaching them so I am unsure the term teaching is appropriate......either way that is the direction I am heading in now although the thought has crossed my mind that I may never find just ONE thing I want to do. I have so many interests I doubt I will ever stop studying.

I am in the process of (hopefully) moving to the other side of the world with my son. Without my mother - my "safety net" - I say that in inverted commas because she is as far from safe as you can get but I love her immensely. I have sold everything I own.....true to a mothers heart my son still owns all of his belongings and will do until the visa (his visa) comes through and we can hop on a plane and leave. Waiting is not a strong point of mine, patience I have a LOT of but only when it doesn't involve time and waiting for it to pass! This is how I came upon Steemit. I have had to write a million (slight exaggeration but it feels like it) supporting documents for this visa application, which helped me realize that I don't completely suck at writing, and I now have all this time and the need for a serious distraction - Steemit seems like the perfect answer!

I am sure my few friends would describe me in a whole different way......but it's safe to say I am a walking disaster, an accident waiting to happen but I live with my mind, heart and eyes open and have the stupidity or bravery (whichever you prefer to call it) to dive head long into whatever it is I am passionate about at that moment.

I feel it important to add that I have no idea what a URL is and that is why I don't have a profile picture!! No computers have not been one of my interests, how could you tell?!

So this is me ....... I may qualify for some "catagories" but I most certainly don't fit into any ;)


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