Introducing Me

Hello all,

  My name is Ekpunobi Adaora, I hail from Anambra state,  Umuoji town to be specific but I live and was brought up in Abuja. 
  I am a student of University of Nigeria Nsukka, studying veterinary medicine( the course hard o).
   I don't really have much to say about myself other than I am a very quiet person especially when meeting someone for the first time but once I get to know you, trust me my whole personality changes which really surprises people( in a good way sha....... I hope).
   Also I love all things music, dance, supernatural movies, books and food. 
   I was introduced to steemit via whatsapp and have come to realize how great this platform is and I hope to learn the ropes around it with everyones help of course.
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