Introduction post: Peace Ambassador and Civic Hacker from Brazil

Hello Steemit! Paloma here, I am the co-founder of PeaceLabs, a founder civic hacker at and ideator of Institute We Are All Smart. Loving this community already 💜

I am here to learn with all of you, to bring some questions about new technologies (blockchain, DAO, cryptocurrencies and all...) and to also provoke some reflections about corporate philanthropy, underprivileged communities development, technology with purpose, impact measurement and civic hacking.

At age 15 I was already developing social project with the Brazilian government and doing volunteer work. Today, with over 10 years of experience working in social projects in Brazil, I have learned a lot about corporate giving and how centralized these corporate foundations are.

PeaceLabs is a social startup that helps corporations to improve where, how much and when to invest in a impact project through a SAAS platform. Philanthropy is a $1B market just in Brazil, nevermind the world, and today decisions on which project or cause to support is in the hands of the few. How can someone that has never walk in a underprivileged community make a decision of should we build a hospital or a school? We are bring offline data on and we want to help peace ambassadors worldwide to be part of this decision making process. That way we believe every cent can bring the best positive social return possible for our society.
We have graduated from the Founder Institute Brazil Program ( in 2015 and since then me and my team are working to make peace projects impact better everyday.

Last year we run a few experiments on Ethereum Testnet to start to learn and explore possibilities to tokenize the value creating people are generation on the peace project on our platform. Since then we have been studying lots about new applications that are coming up and gettering support and feedback to create a way to reward people that help us predict and evaluate social projects success rates.

I am also one of the co-founder and proud board member of Institute We Are All Smart (, probably the coolest project I have ever been able to collaborate on. We have a methodology (similar to martial arts) to engage underprivileged youth to solve daily challenges they identify in their communities. Today we have had over 200 teen as part of the project, reaching impressive results on less than 12 months. Accomplishes by the teens are as big as 3 underprivileged fourteen years old from a slum community in Brazil win the NASA Space Apps Challenge Curitiba and stay in top 5 project in the category Best Mission Concept, and as awesome as they solve the problem of breaking into the school at night by developing a hardware and installing at their public school.

I have also a co-founder of the CodeForBrazil movement ( back in 2014, a group of civic hackers affiliate of CodeForAmerica, CodeForAll with support of the Open Knowledge Foundation for the development of better #OpenData & #CivicTech environments across Brazil. We organize and execute hackathons ( although I like participating on them way better) and related events in the incubation & acceleration of Civic Technology Startups launched by protagonist citizen "Civic Innovators" in favor of better society, government, large organizations & other stakeholders.

Hope to meet some awesome people at Steemit and cocreate #peacetech projects with some of you in the future! Cheers from Brazil

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