Because the blacks prefer whites?

many of the black women say that the black men esnobam the black women, but I find that this is very relative of place pra place, type in the Bahia you I will go to see more, black couples of what crossbred couples. (I find that it is as soon as speaks) Many women speak that the blacks esnobam it, but in the truth they who esnobam, this is half that a preconception between the proper race; It is well thus: “In the truth the black woman many times does not take the serious one, when a black man if approaches, already a white man has but easiness so that this happens. ”
“Why the black women prefer Whites? ”

  1. He is pra to generalize same? - All (NOR ALL) the black women prefer Whites? Or black men exist who do not give account of the message; simply they had not had the capacity to conquer, to call the attention and had finished taking a beauty I touch?
  2. I am thinking: “if he was pra to worry me, to create picuinhas or to make birra because of some black woman who esnobou me or tried to aloprar me, perhaps she was taking antidepressants now! E if was pra to worry me about the pipes and arrives-pra-there that I gave, would be using vest the tests of bullets…”
    the same question serves for certain women who, in the daily one are choramingando for not obtaining to become related with black men (or Whites); to hear “NOT” as reply bothers, né? to go down of the pedestal, to leave redoma of glass, to take the initiative and to give the face covers it bothers? Taken off opinion of the Orkut! With some adjustments mine!
    It is of if to think about everything that was said by this youngster, a time they had said that the blacks or blacks prefer the whites pra to clarear the family or pra to improve the hair, pure lie to me now has hair chemistry everything this is myth, in my vision (MACHISTA) I still see that the majority of that they prefer the whites, still I am great interesseiras because in century XXI the whites still earn more than what the blacks and the men still gain more than the women, (Therefore have much man marrying man, LIE) then the women forgive me but the great majority of these relations is of interest, if the face will have money and be a scoundrel, fuck it part of the scoundrel what it prevails is the POCKET.
    It also can be that the blacks look the whites or the whites look the blacks, for the fact of the blacks to be considered VERY GOOD of BED, and pass a heat a tesão a very great pleasure its friends, and therefore the whites run more behind the blacks! This question of the Heading never goes to be answered, of this vocês they can be certain because each one has a point of view, has a skill of saying and such.
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