The Girl with a Curly Hair: An Introductory

“If we are seeking success, we must think successful, inspiring, and motivating thoughts” -unknown

What a wonderful day to say Aloha to you my dear friend! My name is Mary Laurence A. Alombro and I’m 21 years old. I prefer to be called “laurence” rather than “mary” why? because “mary” is too girly for me and I find it the opposite to my personality. I’d rather wear shoes and snikers than sandals and heels.. shirt and long sleeves than blouse and dress. I don’t remember myself playing dolls and chinese garter ( a popular game for Filipino children specially for girls) when I was a kid pffft. I’m a sort of ambivert, I like talking but I also like to be alone.

SM Cebu Vikings

My favourite part of the house is kitchen. Ohhh I love cooking! I started to cook since I was in my 6th grade and I help my mom in her small business “Arcapres Food Hous” the first word was coined from my father and mothers’ name Arcadio and Priscilla. There are a lot of things I am fond of.. if I’m not in the kitchen I might be at the backyard of our house fixing broken things or do gardening.

I grew up in “the food basket in Mindanao” Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. I am very much lucky to live in this place where pine trees grow and high valued crops are produced. I’m a nature lover and I am blessed that this things are handed on me.

Lawn tennis is my sport. I’m an athlete since sophomore in high school. Now that I’m in college my mom wont let me play tennis every “Palakasan” Intramurals because she doesn’t want me to expose on sunlight (ay duuuhh!) but I secretly play anyway xD.

I may don’t have a good voice but I can make my guitar, flute and drums sing for you (charooot). I joined the drum and bugle band and become the triple drummer when I was in grade six. I graduated in my secondary as a quadruple drummer. I dreamed of becoming a famous drummer someday xD. To be able to play instruments and to share it to everyone makes me happy and be inspired to practice even more.

Other nights, I spend my time drawing. Drawing is not my profession but one of my skill. I draw secretly.. I draw in black and white.. I draw when I'm sad and I draw when I'm happy. Architect is my dream job.. I can draw 24/7 without feeling of tiredness and it is my way of expressing my thoughts and feelings.

We are ten in the family, Yeah! 10! bigger than you think eh? Haha. I got 4 sisters and 3 brothers. That maybe why I didn’t pursue architecture because I’m the fourth in the family and were out of budget that time.

So I took an engineering course in a world class institution of the Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology and was able to graduate a Diploma in Chemical Engineering and Technology last year 2017. Now I’m pursuing BS Ceramics Engineering, a 3rd year in the same school.

I am excited to share things that is running inside my head. And it is my pleasure to be a part of this community where I can be myself. To be able to learn through the different perspectives in life, to grow together, to meet new people and talk about what’s going on and at the same time earning. I hope I can inspire people and to put a smile on their face 

I would like to extend my gratitude to these people who keeps on inviting me to join hahaha @xyza, @joyceeclaire, @leih and @shairanada for the help. So comment down steemians! for some tips as a newbee here and don’t forget to follow me so that I can follow you back. God speed!

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