-English- Introduction to my blog and a bit of my

Hello steemit, I introduce myself, my name is Víctor Luis Sandoval, also known as @DathBrisheD. I am 16 years old and I was born on March 29, 2001 in the city of Caracas, capital of one of the most destroyed countries at the moment "the most destroyed country in Latin America", guess. which? Yes, it's Venezuela (I'll give details about my opinion on this later).

I will start by saying that all my life I have been different, rejected by most people "currently, people think that being different is cool, when it really is torture". My childhood was really lonely, my preadolescence was a torture, the only thing that made me happy was the fact that my late father had the ability to give me the only thing that made me happy apart from being with him, video games. Thus my greatest passion was born, when all the other people in the school or high school spent their time with their "friends", I was distracted by playing with my portable consoles, of course, when the abusive idiots left me.

When I arrived at my house, after a typical day of bullying, my video games helped me to forget and disconnect from this rotten planet full of imbeciles, with a closed mind and an excessive need to exclude, reject, abuse and judge people like me . Of course there were really wonderful people who accepted me and helped me, people that I still love and regardless of the reason or what was happening they always tried to understand me and to shake my hand when I needed it the most. The first of these people, my first friend, who was before the great change in my life and in the most difficult moments, Victoria B. Marcano, this person really marked my life and today she continues to support me in what I need and want .

Something that changed my life drastically, what made me go from luxury to a little misery, was the death of my father, Luis Guillermo Sandoval Fajardo, this was a recognized Physio therapist, someone really hardworking, I can proudly say that my father he lived on top of success, "success is not just having a lot of money, although I had more or less xD". He was humble, he put people in need in his needs, and he really helped the needy. Although his personality was quite strong and stubborn, his youth lived it to the fullest and sometimes it turned out to be very funny and charismatic, I loved my old man, more than my mother, "I do not know that I do not love my mother xD".

That day has been the most traumatic experience I've had in my life, I tell you. I was 13 years old, any Friday in the most random way I decided to go to a sleepover, while my dad wanted to have a party with his old friends and my mom's friends "cigars, sex and alcohol, WIIII". He was already 67 years old and wanted to live a crazy life.

On the morning of the next day, I arrived at my house, the door was open, I see my relatives everywhere "that I almost never see", the friends of my father and my mother, all of them looking at me very strangely and without tell me not a word "not even say hello", I stay "WTF, what's happening", I walk to my room and hear my mom's cries progressively much stronger, I go to my parents' room and when I stand in front of the door I see my mom bathed in tears and my dad "sleeping, it really seemed like I was in a deep sleep", I stand in that same place analyzing what was happening, I thought my dad was sleeping, I was there between thirty or forty minutes watching that, until one of my uncles comes up and says "enough is enough, do you want to see your dad?", I pass and I still thought I was sleeping, I was in shock all day, while the cold body of my father lay in the c love The next day I go to the wake and before going to see the urn, my sister stops me and says: "Victor, you have not cried, are you okay ?, your dad died." At that moment I enter consciousness and I realize that my father is dead, I hug my sister and frustratingly I sink into tears.

After the death of my father, my mentality changed and I began to see the world in a different way than I saw it, everything became darker than it was, my relatives began to stand out much more and due to my paternal absence my brother "Luis Guillermo Sandoval Sequera" and my aunt "Belkis Sandoval" nicknamed "babe" wanted to help me with that, this last one did it in an excellent way, I felt that my dad was there supporting me, he helped me with studies and supported me when I needed it.

In the months I met two friends who changed my life, Mauricio Martínez "NeTenebrae" and Brayan Gonzales "iDarkRainx". They came to my house to play video games like: "Cry Of Fear, Phantasy Star, Monster Hunter and League of Legends".

Mauricio became my best friend, he realized that I was different from first. He was the person who deduced that I have asperger, he taught me to live with people and I am what I am today "over the years he said:" Mrk, why do not you do an asperger's test? "and I" WTF, what's going on ", I did not want to accept it and it turned out that I actually have asperger. It has guided and motivated me in what is currently my biggest dream (Being a videogame developer), along with Bryan "iDarkRainx", Alan "AlRaidMax275" and obviously Mauricio "NeTenebrae" (I will talk about this later).

Two years later, the wonderful, special and cheerful person "my tia nena", who became my father's guide after the death of my father, died due to a disgusting disease that has haunted me all my life "CANCER", my mom has had cancer and currently has a benign cancer and a high chance of having a malignant cancer, therefore, I do not want to talk about it and today I find it difficult to think about the death of my tia nena.

Later, I met other friends who changed my life , Crystal Rodriguez "Adreini" and Rafael Palomo "iRafael", they are currently part of my group of friends mentioned above and we have the dream of leaving this ruined country. Recently I met the aforementioned Alan Avilan "AlRaidMax275", this is guiding me on my way to success and to meet my goals in general (to self-improve).

Currently I have positive and negative things. Do you remember that I told you that later I would tell you about my dreams? Well, the time has come, As I told you, we have the dream of being video game developers, but my ambition is much greater. I will be the best video game developer in the world and that is why I come here, I want you to see, learn and help me in this way, I am learning to draw, improving every day more in programming and I am constantly writing stories and concepts for videogames. All this I will show you on this incredible platform.

I also told them that I would give my opinion about my country. My country quickly went from being the best country in Latin America to being one of the poorest countries in the world. The current mentality of the citizen is simply mediocre and absurd, the government gives away and distributes the wealth of the state, one of the reasons why the value of the bolivar falls drastically "the dollar happened to cost 4 bs to have a value of 235,782 bs in only 8 years, literally in a week rose from 120,000 bs to 235,000 bs ", the minimum salary is 248,510 bs a month with an exclusive food allowance of 500,000 bs, this suggests that a common Venezuelan earns really $ 1 a month, insecurity is huge, you can not leave your house, because, due to crime, the dollar you earn a month is lost "Ironically, the armed forces, and police in the country are the worst offenders in the country", the rights are respected, the scarcity of food is so strong that there are people digging through the garbage dumps to eat the few rubbish "that luckily" another person left. For all this I want to run away from here.

Today I enjoy a life of happiness and fun with my friends "I could call them brothers", Mauricio @NeTenebrae, Brayan @iDarkRainx, Alan @ AlRaidMax275, Cristal @Adreini, Rafael @iRafael, and Melanie @ melaniexdbg.

I leave some pictures of me with my friends <3 <3






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