Who is @zorg67?

This is not your typical introduce-yourself post. For starters I am not going to paste a picture or reveal my off-line identity (I may do so in the future).

I feel that since I am not a public figure my "real" identity is irrelevant and whatever I write should stand on it's own merit. This account was opened over a year ago but I have not used it in a while. It's never too late to start over I guess.

Where do I start?

I am close to hitting the half century mark living on this piece of rock that circles the sun. I work for a Fortune 500 company doing something that vaguely relates to my field of study (economics). I am a father of two young men that I raised by my own when my wife passed away I few years ago.

Listening to music and watching content on Netflix is my main hobby right now. I was an avid online poker player for several years...avid is an understatement (I lost count of how many hands I've played after one million of them). Before that I used to be a regular chess player in the local clubs.

In my late teens and early adulthood I was a political activist and participated in the human rights movement in my home country. I love math & science and hope that someday humanity will overcome superstition and evolve to something better.

What's next?

I will probably write about whatever crosses my mind and treat this platform as a canvas to splatter any thoughts that pop out of my head. I have no expectations about making money...but if it happens you will not hear any complaints from me.

I am looking forward to connecting with like minded people and have civil conversations with anyone who doesn't agree with me. After all if we do not listen to diverse world views we can't grow into a better version of ourselves.

Images from Pixabay.

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