My first post!


Hello everybody! This is me. Well technically its just a caricature of me with an owl on top of my head which ironically I don't have one in real life.I just happen to like owls because they are so cute and cool (if you ask me what's my favourite animal well this will be my answer) . My name is Haziq Hilman bin Mohamed Noor, my alias is ziqman (which combination of my names; haZIQ and hilMAN thus come out with ZIQMAN) By the time I'm writing this post, I am 22 years of age and I am from Malaysia. - if you guys don't know where is Malaysia, it is between Thailand and Singapore, or you can just google em lmao.

I love eating, watching movies, playing video games and most important of them all, drawing. I've been drawing ever since I could remember (since I was 3 to be exact). What inspires me when I was a kid was,I like watching cartoons - even to this day!! Not to mention, anime or japanese animation has a special place in my heart!If you ask my favourite anime it would be naruto franchise, dragonball Z, attack on titan, one punch man, bleach, fullmetal aclhemist brotherhood,dead man wonderland, just to name a few. What I find interesting in anime is because of their mature approach, cool fighting scenes, flashy animation ( in certain scenes that deserve recognition only because most of the time they are in low fps ), cool character designs and others.
^If you look at the drawing above you can see how cartoons and anime influence my drawing style.

I am currently studying in Multimedia University taking my course in animation. Hah animation ... I still remember the time that I decided animation to be my path in life.What inspires me to be an animator is because of the movie that I watch, Frozen which is in 2013.During that time I have a crazy crush on the main character Elsa the Snow Queen. I am proudly to say that I have watched frozen 50+ times.
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^ This is me during foundation years, where the burning passion is still fresh.I even made a name for my self during that time XD. All of my classmates known me as Disney boy or Elsa because I love Elsa so much <<<<which my lecturer give me that name XD. Welp I can't deny that I love Disney. - keep that in mind because its pretty important.

I am going to be honest with you, being an inexperience, noob, rookie animator (which ever you want to call it) who is just started in animation is pretty hell for me. There are a lot of challenges that i faced throughout 3 years of my study. I have got countless sleepless nights doing animation related assignments, insecurities, unsatisfied with the outcome, not familiarizing with the software, couldn't get the timing right and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The worst of them all - CRASH.
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Can you imagine, you have been working to your bones for six hours straight and you forgot to save the goddamn thing, and it just so happens that the software or the computer just betrayed you. Because of that you have to restart all over again? Pro tip - always save every 10 minutes ( trust me even though it is troublesome, it can save your life.)

Now, do you remember that I told you that I love Disney? Why do I want you to remember that? Well I am going to share my hopes and dreams. Most of us have a desired goal to accomplish in their lives no matter how big or small it is. My dream is to become a professional animator one day, but not just any animator, I want to work in Disney Animation Studio. dream.png
That dream is pretty huge for a boy from a modest family living in 3rd world country. Many people ask, why animation? Why Disney Animation Studio? Why not working in local studios? The reason why I want to work in Disney is because when I see their work, their designs, I can feel as if that the characters are real and the stories that they craft are so special because they manage to touch the hearts of the audience. The world that they create, it is so enchanting that it makes me feel like I want to be there. I want to create that same feeling with my own creation one day, and by the time I came back to my hometown, I can proudly build my very own company and make 5 star films as Disney films.
What I am hoping from Steemit is to raise enough money for me to travel to UK so that I can pursue my passion. Thank you for reaching till the end of this introduction. I'll being seeing you guys later on the next post :D

Tata :)

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