Hello, I am Hatts and today I'm introducing myself!

Hi! My name is yunghatss. Or, hatss, or whatever you really want to call me. I've been on Steemit for a few days now, but only started being really active yesterday. I live in Denmark, but I was born in Belgium, and I'm currently pursuing full time education, with hopes for this to lead on to higher education in the field of technology. Steemit amazes me, as it is one of the friendliest communities I have ever encountered. It is also one of the best places for me to practice my social skills. My hobbies consist of playing soccer, running and playing tennis. Along with that, all throughout my hobbies, I'll be listening to music. Even right now, I'm listening to Coldplay. Music and sports are a huge part of my life, and they have been for a long time now. Feel free to talk to me about any of those topics, because I'd love to discuss them!

Why I love listening to music:

Listening to music: Music. Even just the word can put a shiver down your spine, provided you love it as much as I do. Music is something that can influence anybody, and for me, it brings a sense of relaxation and comfort. I like to listen primarily as of late calmer genres. I love how a certain type of song can take you on a journey right into your inner thoughts. It can change your perspective on many things. As of late, this music has helping me cope a lot with rapidly changing situations around me regarding my life. For years, I was scared of the future, but its only just recently I've realized that music can help pave the way for me. It fills me with excitement for something I used to dread not 1 year ago. I dreaded what I would do with my life, how I would react with it, but now, calmer music has just completely opened such a big door for me. It fills me with excitement for life.



Government Corruption
This is a really interesting one, as it can be as simple as 3rd world country corruption for bribery, or it can be deep state, America type corruption. I love discussing this, as it can be really deep if you look between the lines of many things happening this day in age, such as with the election, some would argue that the media was completely against Trump and for Clinton, others would argue they aren't. Or the existence of Shariablue agents who astroturf to push a political agenda, funded by the government. Its a really interesting topic, regardless of locale of the corruption.


Whitehat/Blackhat, does greyhat exist?
Another topic I love to debate about is hacking ethics. What is Blackhat, what is whitehat, and where do the lines blur. I view myself as a greyhat, where I do the things I do for both the benefit of me and the other person. But to some people, the shift from blackhat to whitehat isn't a gradient, its a flat change. This is a great topic for discussion, as it can let people see into their actual morals, how they treat and think of other people. Its a really interesting topic that I'd love to learn more about, and more opinions about on this forum.


That's a lot from me, now I would like to hear about you!

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