Occult mathematics within my friends! Potential unknown knowledge! "See" for yourselves!


Believe it or not friends, our base 10 number system contains so much information / knowledge within, perhaps even "occult" or hidden information / knowledge. One just merely needs to understand the ability to "know" how and where to "look". Below I will show you exactly what I mean. Or perhaps we will simply let the numbers themselves show us. After all, they are themselves great teachers indeed.


Above is just one example. Simply all that is needed to understand this particular method is simple addition / subtraction and reducing each double digit down to what is known by some as its "digital root ". Meaning reducing each number down to a single digit by summing all the digits in that number (no matter how large a number is, this method can always be achieved via simple addition). As you can see, what I went ahead and did so here was simply add each number to the number next to it in our base 10 numbers (i.e. 0123456789) on both sides and reduced the sum down to its digital root if need be and placed the results directly above and continued the process until it was complete. Also I went ahead and did the same method / process but rather instead of addition I used subtraction and placed my findings below the base 10 numbers and continued the process until it too was complete. Also notice that I went ahead and added each horizontal row together above the base 10 numbers and reduced my findings down to its single digital root number. Notice that by doing so using this particular method, the number 9 appears to become a recurring PA-ttern. Take note of this for it will help you to understand the rest of my findings below.


Now what I simply did here above was added each number row diagonally and vertically and reduced my findings down to its single digital root then added the total of the vertical and horizontal rows together and reduced the total sum down to its digital root as well. Note that when doing this particular method / process, you will now see a PA-ttern of 9's again and not only that but each side has all the number groups that sum to 9 or are multiples of 9, i.e. 7 & 2, 8 & 1, 4 & 5 and 3 & 6. Perhaps all is 9 more ways than one once complete? Below is the really exciting part. Now considering the method / process mentioned above, I went ahead and simply continued the process in a Pyra-mid fashion and what appears before your very eyes are very much recognizable geometric PA-tterns solely created by the numbers themselves. Very interesting geometrical PA-tterns indeed. PA-tterns with in PA-tterns. Note, I did not know the outcome of my findings going into this. The numbers themselves, so perfect as they are showed me / revealed to me every-thing themselves. What appeared were multiple tri-angles pointing down and perhaps what I call "DNA" spirals as well all contained in a pyra-mid or a triangle pointing up rather. As above, so below. Scroll down more and you will see what I mean. It may take a few minutes to really let this information sink in. I encourage all to study this and try and replicate this for ones own self (that is if one has the "time" and "patience"). For the experience along with the numbers themselves are in my opinion the greatest teachers of all. Also note that I went ahead and color coded each number group to help one see or gain a better understanding of these PA-tterns and how these number groups interact with one another, all coming together to total 9. I made the "solfeggio" number groups 1-4-7 red, 2-5-8 blue, 3 and 6 green, and the number 9 "Tyrian Purple" or best known by most as true "Royal Purple". Get ready to have your mind blown. For this information revealed perhaps may be occult / hidden information only known perhaps by a very few...until now. Enjoy, love and light and Namaste to all!


Above is the completed process as far as I have gotten. Right to its 155th row down to be exact from the base 10 number line.


Above are the 1-4-7 numbers in red and the 2-5-8 numbers in blue isolated from the other two groups.


Above are the 3 and 6 numbers in green isolated from the others.


Above is the number 9 in Tyrian Purple / Royal Purple isolated on its own from the rest.


Above, close up of upper half.
Below, close up of lower half



Above, close up of upper half.
Below, close up of lower half



Above, close up of upper half.
Below, close up of lower half



Above, close up of upper half.
Below, close up of lower half


3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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