Greetings Steemit! - WorldCoinIndex Introduced Me!

"I was on Steemit before it was even cool to be on there..."

Hello Internet, 

My name is Zainab and this is my first post.

Everyone will probably say my name differently to themselves in their minds and that makes me happy. You know how when you're reading a book you'll pronounce a certain characters name the way you believe it's said and then you watch the movie adaptation (which will suck) and your life is changed because you were pronouncing it wrong the whole time *breathe*, that's kind of how this is going to be...except with no movie adaptation.

I'm 21 years old, a computer science student, a customer service slave, travel junkie, book eater, vegan "chef", and cat mom. So expect an array of all kinds of posts from me, ranging from book reviews to tiny kitchen catastrophes. 

I'm excited to see how this platform grows and how I grow along with it.

Ciao for now,

Xainba (Zainab)

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