Hey Steemit! (A Ridiculously Narcissistic Introduction)

Hey everyone!

My name is Will. It's a pleasure to be here on Steemit, and I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of you and having a blast!

Now, I am brand new. (Duh.)

I actually JUST learned about the Steemit platform, and I know basically zilch about blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and technology in general.

I am, shall we say, behind the times. To put it mildly, I guess.

Never fear! I make up for my lack of tech-knowledge with other areas of geekiness, and can fit well into the high societies of Nerdom.

For example, I like some anime that was dumbed down for kids. "Battle of the Planets," anyone?

Image of Battle of the Planets

If you got the reference without Googling it … well. I'm impressed.

Leave me a comment and let me know if the show is younger or older than you are. (It's older than me.)

Ehem. Let's not talk about how old I am though. Shall we?

On a more controversial note, on which I have absolutely chosen sides … I used to be a Star Wars fanatic until the franchise was sold to Disney (and I became an uber-hater of "The Last Jedi").

I hated the Last Jedi so much, in fact, that I think I'll share the most epic rant on this subject I have ever heard. Watch it below, and then move on to more about ME.


Okay, moving on … I guess you could just write me down as a science fiction fan in general.

In my dreams, I have ditched this prison planet and I travel around with talking raccoons and Star Lord. Oh, and I have a green girlfriend too. 😊

In real life, I'm a marketing consultant, author, and sometime filmmaker. I have three amazing daughters, my middle, sandwich; child is here with me in the photo below.

Image of my kid

Anyway, my girls are practically my reason for being … and the reason I haven't decided to just go ahead and upload my consciousness on a full time basis to the astral plane.

(Dang stupid silver cord ….)

As a writer, I'm interested in delivering thoughtful commentaries on current news (I'm active politically) … so you may love or hate me. Let me just say though that I'm not a screaming fanatic for either side of the aisle. Thus, it's possible that you may be ambiguous toward our budding relationship here.

Never fear though! I'll not ask you to marry me on the first date.;)

Outside of politics, I'm also into writing short stories, analyses of various UFO and alien conspiracy theories and reports, spiritual musings, and actually into business and marketing in-particular.

I'll likely be posting my first post sometime tonight or tomorrow, so I hope you'll come by and at least check it out.

If you don't, you won't know whether I'm talking about last night's half-eaten pastrami sandwich and the stomach ache I had after eating the first half … or whether my significant other got abducted while I was watching a god-awful 1990's sci-fi horror flick on that very subject.

This is my significant other:

Image of Lilach

What? She's not GREEN you say? Nope, but she is my little hottaaaaayyyyy .... ;)

It's ok, my fanboy leanings are limited to the imagination. And, unlike most geeks, I've got three kids to prove I've made love at least three times in my life. ;)

And, what, now, you ask ... could be more interesting than B-Grade films, alien abductions of one's family members, or last night's dinner? I ask you.

Oh sure … the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh.


You can throw stuff at me now. 😊

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