Steeming in from Glathsheim


Greetings! My name is Jonathan, though, for as long as I have been online, I have tended to go by Wotan (@wotantx).  Wotan is the German form of the Norse God Odin.  The inspiration is drawn from Richard Wagner's tetralogy, Der Ring des Nibelungen.  

I'm a 40-something native Texan, currently living in the west-Houston suburb of Katy.  I've lived in Houston for pretty much all of my adult life, especially including my time as a student at the University of Houston. I have two daughters, one teenager (shudder) and one almost there (shudder again).

The "Vitals"

I guess I will start out by going through the info in my Bio, which is lifted from my Twitter account:

  • Houstonian: Well, I think I've covered that one.  Houston is my adopted home town, though I am originally from Duncanville.
  • #GoCoogs: Again, I am an alumnus of the University of Houston.
  • #Texans: I am a fan of the Houston Texans.
  • Geek: Although my degree is in geophysics, my profession is IT.  These are skills I picked up goofing off in my spare time at school.  In particular, I am a UNIX geek, though I am also a geek about a great many things not related to computers.
  • Objectivist: The philosophy I (attempt) to follow is Ayn Rand's Objectivism. However, I do not agree with every conclusion she reached. Reason has lead me to diverge from her thoughts in some areas.
  • Classical Liberal/Libertarian: The practical application of Objectivism leads me to favoring minarchist political systems.  In brief, I consider Classical Liberalism to be a subset of the more modern Libertarianism. Either of these would describe me, but I am increasingly applying the classical liberal tag to myself rather than libertarian.  I should probably go more into this at a later time.
  • #Ameripolitan: I included this as more of an advertisement of sorts.  Ameripolitan music is an attempt to rebrand several of the genres that make up outlaw or alternative country music. The goal is to leave the heavily compromised name of "country music" behind.
  • Mental illness blogger: In 2015, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. Since then, as part of my therapy, I have been blogging about my experiences.
  • #NeverTrump/#NeverHillary: Leftovers from 2016, but, sadly, I still need to maintain those.

Of course, there's a lot more I could put, but why do it all right off the bat?

So, What Am I Doing Here?

To be quite honest, I'm not sure.  Right now, I'm testing out the platform to see if I can increase my reach.  Therefore, there will probably be a fair amount of cross-posting between my primary blog and here.  If I find more success here, I would consider switching my primary to here, but so far I don't see a way of hosting a domain here.  If such a method exists, I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

Beyond that, I will probably make some content here that I don't provide on my main blog.  What form that takes, I couldn't say yet.  I have some ideas, but nothing concrete.

I do hope that you have found this post interesting, and will consider reading me in the future.

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