Ozzie Warrington ~ Introduceyourself ~ Heal Yourself

Hello Steemit world my name is Ozzie aka WizardofRaw, Dr Oz, Dr Ozzie,

So where should I start? My social media (antisocial media) life started about ten years ago when I began to question everything that was taught (programmed) into us as truth. It started with politics then to Cannabis and now it has led me ever so deeper into the rabbit hole tunnels to the world of health, healing, diet, and more.

The real life changing events happend when I was obese and tired of living unhealthily as well as being diabetic. This is when I stumbled upon Dr Morse as well as Dan the man. The words simply resonated with me and made complete sense as humans are frugivores. I embarked on a complete lifestyle change and started eating fruit and lots of it, as well as some green juices. The weight was melting off of me and my mind was clearing.



Six months later I was 120 lbs lighter and no more discolored shins from fungus eating away at my body and most importantly no more diabetes from a standard American diet of animal protein. Some other things I healed or fixed by allowing my body the time it needed to heal itself was acid reflux, heartburn, foot pain for years, numerous other aches and pains, acne, and so many other "minor" issues. I had found the golden ticket to regeneration and the key to regaining our health and I was so thankful.


I have been on the high fruit, vegan path now for 6 years and I have learned so much about balancing out and allowing myself to experience different levels of healing. We have to meet people where they are at and help them get where they need to be in order to allow their body to fix and regenerate itself.

Going through what I did changed my outlook on life and connected so many dots. It brought clarity to why I had so much compassion for animals, allowed me to innerstand why we are left in the dark and lied to about our real food. And even to this day I am uncovering more and more things we have been lied to about and fine tuning the way we help others. Yes I had to share my healing with the world by helping others do what I did, no way I wasn't going to pay it forward so we can bring this world the peace it deserves.


Please follow along as I share the knowledge that I am remembering and help you all remember it as well, because we all have it, we have just forgot it. I will help break the chains of indoctrination and programming that the greedy have bombarded us with, I like to call it unlearning. It's going to be a fun ride relearning what we already know and applying it so we can reverse the negativity that deceives us. I thank you for reading this and look forward to connecting with you all. Peace and love


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