My very first post on Hive, here's a little about myself.

Hey everyone this is my introduction to you all. My friend @broncnutz has been asking me to join and today I'm finally making the leap. I'm a Colorado native. Dad to four amazing crazy kids ( 3 boys, 1 girl). Of course the girl has heartstrings around her finger. My lady is completely amazing as well. I own my own business of window cleaning and solar panel cleaning. I want to share with everyone what I do, what I see and experience, and some how to's to maybe make your life easier.
This is me. I was at this time a groomsman in a very good friends wedding. Crazy day that day but lots of fun.
This is me during my winter season of window cleaning. It can get cold here in Colorado. I love to fish in my down time. I'm an avid bowler twice a week. Any thing to be done outdoors I'm down to try at least once. I'm old so its limited. Just invested into the journey of Crypto. I'm new so I'm learning new things every day. Excited! Thank you @broncnutz for helping in getting into this journey , can't wait to see where this takes me. I'm equally as excited to show you the unique and amazing things I see in my everyday life. So thank you all for letting me share my crazy, fun, and exciting life.

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