Who Am I ? Part 1 - Ata Ur Rehman - Follow me to stay updated with Part 2


Sometime, how to start something is really something you don’t know. This might be due to the lack of understanding of you with your own self. This is the start to book writing where a boy might possibly be sharing some of his life secrets with the unknown who ever going to read this. As you know there are always some memories, some part of life that one never wants to share with others or he/she might not have the courage to speak out what he holds inside, but the truth is that everyone needs a start and once that starting courage builds up and the flow generates, nothing from inside stops you to speak more. This is how I’m going to write out all about my life, where I have planned to speak a little but I might be ending it with too much.

People believe that every second that is passed and if you have not done anything that second is wasted. Those seconds convert to minutes and minute’s converts to hours and so on, if have not done anything that is wasted and you do not learn anything. I believe to see it another way, my belief is that every second that passes converts to history and there’s always something you have learned from your history, you might not understand this phenomena but let it be neutralized for a minute. Making your thoughts clear about it and you will understand how true this is, even the people who were born in 1600’s – 1700’s – 1800’s kept on doing several things, they passed their life and yet left us a lot of things to learn. Many MUGHAL BADSHAH’s who went just passing their lives in the joy made it history and now we learn a lot from them as well. The concept I’m trying to generate is that all the time I have passed till now made me learn a lot of things from my experiences, from my activities.

When I was young, I and my family lived in a small house in Lahore. The house was located in a backward area where every house was so combusted with each other and it seemed to be like that the entire houses on the street share the same roof, where kids from the neighbours used to jump over the walls to flow from one side of the street to another, Where the people were so interested in knowing that what is going on in the neighbours home rather than worrying about the issues that were going in their own house. Where the kids were so sharp that they knew what are the things and the processes to get a girl impressed even at that early ages where they should have been worrying about their homework. Where the women living in different houses on the street visited each other houses daily to know what was going on and what was the newest spicy news that could be made viral, where one corner of the street was always filled with street boys who used to chant loud when the girls passed from there, Where the other corner of the street was populated with the dirty people who kept on smoking and drugs for hours and hours. That was the place where I started feeling that I am an entity, I am someone and more wisely to be said that I started to know myself.

Hope you will follow me to stay updated with Part 2.Me.jpg

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