Why Am I Here? Introduction To A Life Through One Beings Perspective

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"Was I choosing to be right here right now, though I am? Did I journey to and fro just for this moment it took to arrive, to report at this very scene? Bringing with me, all the days before."

Life........is there a rhyme or reason?

An american mythologist, writer, and lecture once wrote:
“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Throughout my intro including future postings, you will find quite obvious that I am a "quotes" guy. I would say, as it will becomes apparent that this is an enthusiasm that stems from childhood through my youth into my adulthood. I have something to say this I know. Within my life cycle.....at every stage of my growth I have needed to transmit neither thoughts and feelings in some form or another.

I know that as I have existed for some reason. What or why if there is any justification, I am sure can be found somewhere within the many trials and tribulations my spirit has had to endure. Within my migration across these lands there is a knowledge worthy of wisdom. I intend to leave that behind as a legacy to my heir.

In the beginning, a child is born of an very young intelligent woman who was raised in a strict environment. We're talking multi weekly, twice on Sunday church going, Catholic school attending, proper speaking, sitting and eating draconian type of setting. Which expounds in part my inauguration into life with a teenage mother and an foster mother.

A mother perhaps to young to raise a child or a grandmother to ashamed of her teenager daughter with child. I can only speculate as to how I would reside off & on over the first few years of my infant life in foster care. See I have at one point through memories of my biological mother coming to get me and I'm not wanting to leave my foster mother caretaker. These types of memories, which entails me that I had at some point between an baby and a time where I can recollect being removed and replaced on at least two other occasions. I can only imagine my emotional reaction was the same vise versa.

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Within this continued mother sharing, my half-sister is born. By 18 years of age my mother has two children married divorced, I recapture a women determined to raised her children. Still, in the times of civil rights movement, Vietnam war, assassinations, rock and roll, a growing society not seemingly ready to handle this rapid change. And little half-breed boy (that's what they called my kind back then) has no clue just what lies ahead. That life itself would fulfill many unanswered questions he never knew he even had to ask. This is only a few pieces of a much larger picture.

Is life indeed guided, are roads ready paved out, destinies prearranged and yes pieces of the puzzle pre-cut? Were these early signals snitching of my journeys precedence. I became for a reason.

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Why Am I here? PT.1

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