I am Here! And I always have been

This is my first week on Steemit, and going from knowing virtually zero about cryptocurrency a few weeks ago to reading posts here has been an adventure in learning. Struggling still with all the techie stuff, here I find myself on what appears to be the right path to understanding.

Shyness becomes me. Ac![GrandpaHuxlee.jpg] so here is a picture of my 90 year old Grandpa holding my 4 monts old grandson Huxley.


I have the disposition to reflect on things and think deeply about everything I see and hear and read- a little too deeply at times. My philosophical bend gets me in trouble when I talk too much which is all the time according to my partner.

My propensity for talking too much is the result of having a Mother who shut me up a lot as a kid. I constantly feel the need to fill empty space with my thoughts. People call it a gift. Notice I avoided calling it the "gify of gab?" Ummm, NO! It's not a gift when you combine it with several "personas."

Speaking of disposition, I am certain that I have several personas. Notice that I am careful to not say "several personalities," which, again, my partner would argue is the case. Don't we all?

It seems like the mask we put on social is to be liked or followed or even "esteemed" comes at the expense of hours and hours of labor, behind the scenes labor, as if we are conceiving a child. Then giving birth to that post, we are jubilant about what we made and expect the whole world to take notice.

See now, how I have spent 35 minutes creating this jabbering about posting to introduce myself?

Gotta go. Bye!

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