Holy skunk tails, this site is awesome!

Hello Steemit!

I remember somebody telling me about this place a few months ago, and the concept sort of percolated in my brain for a while, and recently I finally looked into the mechanics of how it all works, and I am thoroughly impressed. I'm so excited to be joining this community!

My name is Ben, and I am from Los Angeles. I received a secular home school education until enrolling in a public high school, where I met and started dating my wife. I then studied Economics at UC Berkeley, then got an MA in Education from Pepperdine University. I taught for 5 years (Math, English, Science, and Social Studies, grades 8-12) before leaving to raise and home school my own two children, ages 6 and 4. On the side, I do a little bit of private tutoring and a little bit of commercial "acting" with my family.

When I'm not dadding, I'm usually playing the crypto markets, or reading and writing about politics, finance, social issues, history, philosophy, and religion. I love debating esoteric topics (but please keep it impersonal)!

My hobbies include Capoeira, singing, strategy games (board, card, computer, doesn't matter), and playing with dogs. I am really looking forward to seeing all this forum has to offer!

And now, please enjoy this impromptu picture of my family at a friend's wedding!


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