Hello Steemit

Tiny bit about myself

My name is Lynn. I am a curious student with pretty ordinary hobbits, trying to read, sea and experience more out of the familiar comfort little environment around me. A little selfie with tripod, ain’t wifi connected camera the best for anyone travel alone?

A little about the post

After two weeks of thinking and waiting on the Steemit approval, I have finally decided what to post. I would like to record my ‘30 day Trail’ here, along with photography discussion, recipe sharing and maybe my hilarious failed gameplay clip. About cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, until I have more understanding, read enough to have some semi confidence in the topic, thoughts will not be shared.
I would hope even if the post is not informative, it is at least funny. In general, I wish my post won’t waste a reader’s time.

Some thoughts on ’30 day Trail’

A small 30 day or less experiment in daily life, to record the cumulative change and to compare with prediction. Goals include:
• To promote a healthier living style
• To calculate the potential long term change, to environment, to personal life, etc.
Clearly, all experiment activity is focus on daily activities that is easily achievable.

Right now the potential project is on ‘30 day sugar free’, rules:

• No added sugar, artificial sugar or sugar free sweetener
• Fruit and sugar in natural food is allowed
Record of change includes:
• Mood
• Energy
• Skin condition
I know this is too much for normal everyday life but maybe an exaggerated experiment can be more easily controlled.

Some about photography post

I would like any comment, suggestions and advises are most welcome. As the pic showed, I am a amateur after all.
Thanks for reading. :D

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