Hallo! Kom ons Praat die Waarheid.

Die waarheid kom haltyd te ore.
Maak nie saak hoe goed jy dit weg steek nie.
Die waarheid maak ook gewoonlik seer.


The Truth IS…..
The truth is a standard that we can all call upon, relate to and find comfort and solidarity within.
It has been said ‘there is the way I see it; the way you see it, and the truth.’

Truth is unchangeable. It is as it is and has always been but what does that really mean?
What makes the truth true?
Consensus? Experience?

Miriam-Webster dictionary describes it as – ‘the body of real things, events, and facts: actuality. But whose events and >whose ‘actuality’ as in state of existence? What is real to me may not be real to you and what more about the truth of a >feeling.

Waarheid is a series of posts that are about truths that relate to the general consensus of what we all perceive as true. >There may be some odd balls thrown in there to keep you on your toes but all in all you will relate. And in case you >weren’t confused enough yet, is the truth relative or are we relating and the truth comes from that relation en masse or >was it just always there or as yet still discoverable.

  • Quota Bear 🐻


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