Hi / Hello (Introduction) ^_^

everyone, My names Josh and I'm from the Scottish Highlands erm from the North West not far from Stornoway, (I am moving soon though so I will update about that at a later date!) but currently live in th City of Dundee which is in the Lowlands. Dundee is near to both Edinburgh and Glasgow and not very far from Perth for those of you who do not know the United Kingdom. _

I'm a YouTuber / Vlogger and I love to travel, learn new subjects and so on and being able to gain new experiences whenever I can, I also love photography, anime and.... The list just never ends so I won't bore you all!!

Anyway it's nice being here on this site, please feel free to message / talk with me as much or as little as you'd like to as I love meeting new people and being able to make new friends..

My sister: @crowwingk / @ladyreijya had invited me here a few weeks ago but this is the first chance that I've had to write this

for taking the time to read this! Take care and stay safe everyone!

If you'd like to check out my YouTube channel, then my link is:
(I haven't got very much uploaded yet, haven't had time so I apologise about that!!!)

Thanks to @arbitrarykitten for letting me us this gif! ❤

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