Introduce Yourself to English Community Post

First of all, hi.
My name is Victoria, but some people just call me Vic. My mother language is Spanish and I'm saying this in the very beginning because I want you know that I'm trying my best to translate all my posts.

The basics
I enjoy
• Reading a good book (hardcover or PDF, there's no preference)
• Coffee in any form or shape
• Listening to music out loud
• Watching the stars when there's no clouds
• Sleeping a lot when is raining
• A late night conversation
• Those training sessions that make you don't want to get up the next morning.

My personality
I'm those of kind of people who cries at the movies and laughs till the tears fall out their eyes. I like the peacefulness of being alone so I can read or watch a whole series on Netflix, but I also enjoy going out with my friends, to the movies, to a house and talk all evening, to a coffee shop, to a restaurant or a nightclub to dance and drink. I'm pretty sensitive, when I want to cry I just do it. No matter what anybody can say or think. And I get stressed very easy when I have stuff to do, but one of my favorites feelings is the one I get every time I finish my to do list.

I'm starting on Steemit officially with this post the date April 15, 2018 I hope to learn and create very good memories on this community.

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