Hi! This is my introduction to the Steemit community :)

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Carla Vera and I'm a singer and songwriter from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
@pechichemena and @meno are responsible for me being here, since they couldn't stop talking about this great community I decided to join you guys. In case you have any complaints about my blog, you know who you should contact 😂.
I joined the community in order to meet new people, share interests and, of course, what I like the most, music.


I'm now 28 years old and decided I would become a professional singer when I was 19 (I was a bit shy to sing in front of anyone before). Since then, my life changed for good -I know it sounds a little bit too much but it really did 😊.- During these years I've worked with many artists, teachers and colleagues who taught me lots of valuable things, but the one thing I'd like to share with you as part of my introduction is the importance of believing in yourself!

Nowadays, I spend most of my time working on my band Olvidé San Telmo (www.instagram.com/olvidesantelmo), which I have the pleasure to share with the most amazing singer @luisferchav and lovely jazz drummer @matiasmenarguez, who are also on Steemit!


That's not everything about me, but I don't want to bore you guys, so I'll just end this first entry by sharing the first song I ever wrote on 2012 and recorded live on December 2015 Called "Miedo".

Hope you enjoy it!

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