Dear fellow Steemians,

(Feel free to skip the following sob story.)

Prepare to welcome a looooong-time lurker of this blogging platform: ME. I have finally decided to take the first step back into the blogging world and post at least an introduction article. 

When I was a clueless young girl…

…I used to keep a blog as well. Of course, I posted only about the most important things in my life, such as my favourite glittering gifs, pics of cartoon unicorns, a bio of the Backstreet Boy I’d like to marry (*coughs* Nick *coughs* Carter *coughing fit*) or the ultimate Team Edward vs. Team Jacob posters.

But for some unknown reason…

…my blogging community wasn’t very appreciative of my creations (no clue why – my articles were all taken from respectable websites…), and I was publicly shamed. After I had cried my eyes out and had poured my heart into my glittery diary, I decided to make them pay! I wrote a long tearful tirade about hate, straight out of my fragile teenage heart. That was supposed to be the end of my online presence.

Not by a long shot.

The next day, I was trending on the platform! Some of the people expressed their support, some of them appreciated my honesty and some of them were just plain mean (fuck you too, Didl149!!). Whatever, haters gonna hate, amirite?

It was like an ego boost…

…and I immediately started writing rants about everything from the hardship of boiling eggs just right to government’s shameless retirement reforms. Over time, I’ve gained many online friends and fans and I finally understood the purpose of a blog. It doesn’t matter what you write about, as long as it’s you who wrote it. We’re all different, so let’s celebrate it by expressing ourselves online!! Where it’s gonna stay FOREVER! (I’m definitely NOT thinking about a dystopian future where everyone gets whipped for every fucked-up opinion they have ever left online…)

To finish up…

…I have prepared a freaking-difficult-to-make-seriously-like-WTF-I-HAD-NO-IDEA-IT-WAS-SO-FRUSTRATING-TO-MAKE infographic about myself. I have never done this before, so all of the designers and design-appreciative people out there – TURN YOUR EYES AWAY!!

This infographic was made online at Seriously, check it out – they have a lot of gorgeous tools for free 😊.

Upvote, comment, follow or just mentally flip me off. Doesn’t matter. As long as I engaged your brain for a moment, I am happy!



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