I, Blogging! 📝

Greetings Fellow Steemates! 😊

I’m really new to this type of things, and since it’s a first, it’s a new thing to get busy with. Well, not too busy that it’s the only thing I am working on, there are lots, and because of that I don’t know where to put myself right now, my mind is currently floating around the atmosphere. And it’s a good opportunity for me to start writing on my first blog, even though it’s a no-no-me-thing on me. Well, blogging is something a part of me that I would like to try, but due to the piled works to be done, I could not add this to my to-do-list, even at idle days there’s no slot for this, and all slot has been filled with my missed episodes on TV shows, anime, and movies; and thanks to my current unstable state of mind, I just did. But on self-expressing medium, I am more interested in “Vlogging” short for Video Blogging or Video Log especially on my travels and food trips with family and friends, soon I’ll be working on that when I’m fully equipped; I love photography and video editing, in general, I am more in to visual arts, music, and travels, sort of an ambivert personality.

My hobbies and interest really did not match on my chosen soon-to-be-profession, I am Civil Engineering student, supposedly on architecture, but I’ll talk on to that on my other blog. I am currently in the last semester of my degree (Hoping), and people will understand the pressure it carries to be on the very end on their academic stage of their life. After this stage, it will be a new journey on pursuing on my career, at this new stage of my being, there will be new challenges for me to overcome and embrace the morals it teaches. With my mother working abroad to support and guide us, I must work hard, as a breadwinner, to help my family attain a good, simple, and contented life, since my father passed away when I was 6 years old. With arms wide open, I carried this responsibility on myself to give all I have to my family as a gift for making me who and what I will become.

Me as a writer: one of my choices for a profession is to have a degree in literature, influenced by my cousin. I was really amazed on the story it portrays for every piece I read; poetry, articles, and journals, every piece tells a story from different people around the world with the variety of experiences to learn by reading. Since I am new to blogging, I am unclear to what type of compositions I’ll be posting, so I’ll try to be versatile in engaging different types. I have plans and ideas in my mind that I would like to share, blogs about myself, my hobbies and interest, travels and food reviews, arts, and many more, but these plans may depend on the time I can spare on blogging since I must focus on my studies and career, I won't promise, but I will try to work on it.


My name is Jovani, my friends call me bani or van, and I am excited to share, read, and reply blogs with different bloggers here in Steemit. Thank you for sparing time in knowing a part of me. God Bless!

You can connect with me via
Facebook: @vandelrosarioxii
Instagram: @vandelrosarioxii
Gmail: vandelrosarioxii@gmail.com

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